Many people think that volunteer applications will always be accepted, and thus do not give them much thought when writing. A lot of such people end up frustrated when they receive rejections. The rejections don’t necessarily mean that the applicant
How Volunteering Benefits You
Most people that take on the role of a volunteer are focusing on the benefits that it provides to other people. However, many are now discovering that they too can enjoy many benefits from this type of participation. The Little
Benefits of Volunteering While Working
Most people have the misconception that they cannot volunteer and work at the same time. This is far from true. As long as you plan your schedule well, you should be able to balance volunteering with working. Some of the
Gains Realized From Employee Volunteering
Employee volunteering programs are often designed to benefit the community. As much as these programs are designed to help the people in need, the sta
Exciting Volunteer Activities You Can Take Part In
Volunteering can be beneficial in many ways. Besides keeping one busy, it can be a great way to acquire skills in the field they are volunteering in. It can also be an excellent opportunity to travel the world and meet
Fostering Employee Engagement
A lot of things can be achieved through corporate volunteerism. The success of any employee volunteering program is largely determined by the approach
Employee Volunteering Programs
Part of finding yourself involves giving yourself to others. Corporate or employee volunteer programs, thus, are a unique form of giving that are desi
Why Organizations Should Invest in Employee Volunteering Programs
Employees play a vital role in the running of any organization. The human resource, being the most valuable asset, remains actively involved in the ac
How to Encourage Your Employees to Volunteer
It takes planning and commitment to run a successful employee volunteer program. Mobilizing your employees to volunteer often proves to be a hard nut